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Official Demoniciduth Homepage: http://www.demoniciduth.cjb.net/

Blackgrind Metal
Michigan, USA


Extremely Brutal. Goredeath brings fourth a massive blend of brutaly melodic guitars, lightning fast drums, and several vocals styles including dark frothy growls, unblack screams, gothic clean chanting.. Goredeaths style is a unique blend of Black Metal and Grindcore.

Official Goredeath Homepage: http://betroth78.tripod.com


Black/Doom Metal
Illinois, USA

Scepter Of Blood
1999, 9 Song 43:34 min CD

Extreme and very melodic. GRIM (God Rules In Metal) takes you through a journey to the edges of shrill black to melodic gothic doom. Featuring several vocal styles, tons of shreding guitar work, and beutiful piano pieces.

GRIM is made up of one man who goes by the alias Blod Kongestaven. If your one to chat online you sometimes can find him in the Christian Extreme Music chat room. So stop in and say hi!

GRIM is the first band to join Laceration Productions, and is an Official Laceration band because his debut album 'Scepter of Blood' was digitaly converted/mastered from cassette in the Laceration Productions CD Mastering Studio.

Official GRIM Homepage:


Old School Death/Doom
Florida, USA


Incarnation is a one man project, very slow doomy guitars, and extremely deep growling similar to the vocals of Crimson Thorn. Pure old school death/doom metal.

Official Incarnation Homepage:


Infernal Holocaust
Black Metal
Texas, USA


A one man band from Texas. First CD will be released this Fall called 'Total Desecration Of The Evil Dead'. It will have 7 tracks. Apolyptic UnBlack Metal. The man behind the band will also be doing different projects in the future. One for sure will be him and Eva-O working on some gothic albums together. In the future he also wants to do death metal/symphonic fantasy metal/progressive rock and his own individual genre, he plans on creating himself. It has yet to be named.

Official Infernal Holocaust Homepage: https://members.tripod.com/~InfernalHolocaust/home.html


Ministros Del Santuario
Death Metal


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Official Ministros Del Santuario Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pavilion/1334/


Subiaco Foothills
Holy Unblack Forest Metal
New Zeland


It was September 1998 when he converted from satanism to Christianity, he was also an active member of the black metal scene for a year and a half. For the previous 2 years he has had been writing music in the styles of industrial, ambient, medieval, death and black metal. Subiaco Foothills is Holy Unblack forest metal with an aroma of gothic and medieval. It's a musical project that has been in the making since 1996.

Official Subiaco Foothills Homepage: http://homes.arealcity.com/subiaco_foothills/


Tormented Death
Death Metal


No info yet...

Official Tormented Death Homepage: www.tormentedeath.cjb.net


Tortured Conscience
Death Metal
San Francisco Bay Area, USA


Currently a 2 piece band Christian Death Metal band that is very brutal! Lots of blast beats, riff changes, harsh vocals varying in different styles.

Official Tortured Conscience Homepage: http://www.crosswinds.net/~tortured


Unevil Hopes
Piano and Synth music based on Black Metal


A one man band which plays music with no correct definition!!! Is for praising God in unusual form!!!!

Official Unevil Hopes Homepage: https://www.angelfire.com/in2/unevilhopes/index.html


Black Metal

Vaakevandring Demo
1999, Demo CD

Official VAAKEVANDRING Homepage: http://home.sol.no/~iumentum/vaakevandring/




Black Metal

Søkende Sjel
1999, Demo Tape

Spiritual Modification
1999, Demo Tape

VIXIVI is what you can call a christian black-metal band. You may call it unblack-metal, white-metal, life-metal or whatever, but it won`t change the way it sounds anyway. He started in Nov. `98 and released a demo-tape called "Søkende Sjel"(Seaking Soul) in March `99. In July `99 he released his next demo-tape and it was called "Spiritual Modification". Right now he is working on the next demo wich will be called "Velsignet"(means "Blessed"). His sound is like Crimson Moonlight mixed with Kekal, or Dimmu Borgir mixed with Satyricon, something in that direction. He believes that his music is a gift from God, and that it should be used in the right way.

Official VIXIVI Homepage: https://members.tripod.com/~vixivi/


Winged Creature
Death/Black Metal
Leesburg, VA, USA


Anti-satan, symphonic Christian metal band that takes Christian un-black metal to another level. Our music is startling and yet beautiful at the same time. Brutal double bass drumming in every song from start to finish. Guitars with hollow and heavy distortion...and then guitars with lovely and rich, classical-like notes, and vocals filled with haunting growls that praise Jesus.

Official Winged Creature Homepage: http://hometown.aol.com/wingedcreature4/myhomepage/index.html




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